
Thursday, January 28, 2010

David's Top Ten Fun Things !

10. Unraveling things ! My boy has been able to unravel carpet, throw blankets, sweaters and the time space continuum. This activity is inspired by his great love of...

9. Strings and ribbons ! Perfect for creative flapping. I've got to show him some rhythmic gymnastic footage. He might be fascinated by the grace and beauty of the event or he might think "Well, they *are* amateurs I guess I can cut them a little slack." I've seen him create knots in things within thirty seconds that I can't untangle in thirty minutes. Mastery !

8. Using Daddy as balancing beam. David was walking at seven months before his autism took him in a different direction but he never lost his amazing balance. One of his favorite things to do is put one foot on each of my legs while I'm sitting. Then he stands up and does some surfing. I hope he decides this isn't fun anymore before he turns ten. Can bruises have bruises ?

7. Doing dishes ! Well, sort of... he stand in front of me while I'm doing dishes and goes on suds destruction duty. If he's got a string or ribbon it gets a dunking. One thing more fun than flapping ribbons ? Flapping WET ribbons !

6. Kicking off his shoes when he gets off the bus and sitting in the snow. My friend and brilliant golf / life coach put it best when he asked when it was that we forgot the joy of kicking off our shoes and sitting in the snow. Tomorrow when my munchkin gets off the bus I might join him in this activity. Perspective ? Yes, please.

5. Bouncing ! Neither Tigger or Chuck Taine has anything on my bestest buddy. The world is David's trampoline.

4. Weatherscan powered by The Weather Channel. Weatherscan is basically Local on the 8s non-stop. Groovy music and lots of radar maps ? David's swaying time !

3. The consuming of and/or annihilation of food. 'Nuff said.

2. KISS, particularly their "Unplugged" session and the KISS:Symphony DVD. If David is in a terrible mood or having a meltdown. I put in a KISS CD or DVD and David almost always instantly calms down.

1. BATHS ! Tempest in a tea pot ? More like typhoon in a tub ! No matter how many times I start the bath water and explain to David that " Daddy doesn't want to get soaked today" I still get drenched along with the bathroom floor and the three of four towels that I use to sop up the flood. He loves the process though and what makes David happy usually makes Daddy happy... no matter how many times I say "Augh!" after a particularly devastating wave from the tub.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Profile Picture !

David , The Doctor and his Children of Time !

Waiting For The Bus

Waiting for my son's bus to return him home from school is a magical part of my day. There was a time when I couldn't have imagined he could be anywhere without us. The effect autism has had on him has been so profound that the thought of leaving him in the care of others seemed impossible once he reached a certain size. At seven years of age his height and weight are in the upper 90 percentile. 4'4" and 106 pounds "of nothing but twisted steel" as I like to say. He goes to wonderful school where he is well cared for and they love him as a person.

My son does not speak. He makes a lot of noise but his only consistent "word" is BOO! or more frequently "Ah-Boo". ( His Aunt Christina and I have also used the variation "RAWR-Boo!" many times on Twitter as a greeting.) He is for the most part a happy little boy who communicates by dragging people where he wants to go and to things he wants to do. He does not fear new settings and situations as many people afflicted with autism do. He doesn't register the difference being one place to the next so his behavior is only effected by how he feels on a particular day. So he can be a human tornado in any setting though he's certainly easier to corral some days more than others. People look at us funny or give us wide berths at times but that doesn't really bother me anymore. I never really cared much what people thought anyway.

He flaps and hops a lot regardless of his moods. The downstairs apartment must love us since he has a jackhammer like hopping technique designed for maximum impact.

I'll talk a lot about my son and my beautiful and brilliant wife on this blog, among other happy things. ( Some silly, some not but I will try to maintain a more positive attitude.) Named after my best friend, my son's name is David and he is my whole world.

Daddy Love You All !