
Monday, February 8, 2010

Super David Sunday

The Saints Vs. The Colts had to take a back seat to David having a bad day yesterday.

It's heartbreaking and frazzling when he's really upset, because he can't articulate what's wrong. You can't eliminate pain or illness from the list of possible meltdown causes because he can't speak and tell you that his mouth hurts or that his tummy is upset. He also has sensory integration issues where he will be in perfectly great mood and then he'll stick his fingers down his throat and induce vomitting . Was he nauseous and wanting to get rid of the ickiness ? It's hard to say because I know that I usually don't laugh with glee when I'm sick. For us that's a clue : "Uh-oh ! He's been laughing pretty hard for a while, better be prepared for a technicolor yawn !" To further confuse the issue he'll have bad patches of "meltdowns" where there may not even be an issue that can be be pinpointed. I imagine it's like having an anxiety attack without being able to articulate to anyone what's going on in your brain . I also imagine it's terrifying.

Super Bowl Sunday started out with David being his usual happy self. I was trying to settle down to watch and comment on the epic CKJR event (Christina Kim vs. John "Speed" Raser in a round of the most interactive golf spectacle ..EVER. ) Suddenly the tell tales signs of Meltdown started appearing. Ruddy skin, high pitched unhappy sounds, super violent flapping and of course the tears.

Cue the Daddy Anti-Meltdown Protocols : Bath ! Worked a little but he was still upset. Music ! His favorite KISS DVD helped a little, usually it'll calm him down immediately but not this day. I knew he was having a bad one. Peanut Butter and Homemade Bread ! He ate it but he was still clearly distressed. So we play the waiting game. A couple more baths... keep the music going. Mommy went out to get the SuperBowl Pizza. ( I love you Pizza Hut for having soy free pizza ! ) By the time the Pizza arrived and he began eating David was noticably getting happier.

All right , time for the Superbowl ! David is in a MUCH better mood and obviously feeling better .... and is happily hopping in front of the TV so we can't see the game. Ah, parenthood. :-)

P.S. I strongly suggest you read a story of amazing courage and love at written by the wonderful Kristen Ongoy. It's a blog that never fails to make my heart swell... in a good way.

P.P.S. We got to see most of the game as David had gone to sleep right before halftime. ;-) Though he did block the screen mightily when he saw his boys KISS in the new Dr. Pepper ad.


  1. I'm glad the major meltdown was averted. The way you describe how David is trapped inside without a way to articulate what's wrong reminds me of a Stephen King book I read...The Regulators. Also Rose Red, about Annie being trapped in a tower. Really terrifying. It must be so hard to see your son go through that.

  2. I aspire to read my children as well as you are able to read David. ....Maybe in a few more years when I have eight years of parenthood under my belt, but you seem to be a Jedi Master.

    Another great post! Keep 'em comin'!

  3. Poor baby,...and poor parents who want to take all the pain away, and don't even know where to start. That is the worst feeling in the world, and heartbreaking. Thanks so much for the "mention" of my blog...I appreciate it. I think making the world a little more aware of the struggles of others can get us out of our own box, and make the world a little more of a cohesive mix to live in. Proud to be on this journey with you. Hugs to the WIZARD WORLD...

  4. I can't even tell you how much I admire you and your amazing wife.
